Switzerland achieves a poor climate rating

Switzerland ranks 21st in the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) 2024, the climate protection country comparison. Once again, it did not make it into the top 20.

Switzerland ranks 21st in the climate protection country comparison. It is outperformed by the Philippines, Germany, Morocco and India, among others. The Climate Protection Index published by Germanwatch, NewClimate Institute and the Climate Action Network is a ranking of 63 countries plus the EU as a whole, which together are responsible for more than 90% of global greenhouse gas emissions. The top three places are not awarded because none of the countries surveyed are making the necessary efforts to keep global warming to a maximum of 1.5 degrees.

«After Switzerland's once again poor ranking, politicians must wake up from their deep sleep. The climate protection country comparison makes it clear that the efforts made so far are not enough and that we are among the laggards when it comes to climate issues», criticizes Georg Klingler, climate and energy expert at Greenpeace Switzerland.

Switzerland must catch up

The overwhelming yes to the Climate Protection Act last June shows that the population wants an ambitious policy. DETEC's decision to delay the implementation of this law is therefore completely incomprehensible, says Klingler. He continues: «In order to catch up, the federal government must stop using CO2 compensation and accounting tricks to gloss over its climate efforts. Switzerland must reduce its domestic emissions by at least 60% by 2030, instead of the currently planned 34%.»

At the same time, Switzerland should become more involved abroad, Klingler demands. It must take measures that enable it to achieve significant emission reductions in third countries by 2030 in addition to the reductions at home. And he adds: «These two demands have brought Switzerland's climate seniors before the European Court of Human Rights. A ruling is expected in 2024 and the case is considered a precedent.»

Switzerland has a responsibility for an ambitious climate policy

As a rich country that has benefited from fossil fuels throughout its history, Klingler believes Switzerland has a responsibility to pursue an ambitious climate policy. It must quickly reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and close the gap between its current climate protection pathway and the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees. «If everyone were to act like Switzerland, this would lead to global warming of 2 to 3 degrees. A warming that approaches 3 degrees will endanger the survival of a large part of humanity. Switzerland's policy therefore endangers our human rights», warns Klingler.